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One of the most awesome things I do every year is devote some focused time to, put simply, reflect on where I’ve been, where I am and where I want to be, both literally and figuratively.  I do most of this through both a self-designed personal retreat and a program called the Stratejoy Holiday Council.  Once the dust of this reflection settles, one of the many things I emerge with is a theme.  It may be a word or a phrase.  It may have a whole story that builds up to it or it may have been born out of my time of reflection.  It falls into the rhythm of my heartbeat, speaks truth and inspires my goals.  For me, the value of my theme for the year (or whatever amount of time it remains) is grand.

All that said, I wanted to share my theme for the present time.


I could write much more to draw out the beauty of how this theme developed and what it means to me, but, instead, I will share the visual representation and encourage this process of listening to your own voice, creating a collage of cravings and moving with more strength and love through YOUR journey.  🙂


hold on

I came to discover this song and the band while in college in Colorado.  Sadly, Newcomers Home disbanded almost ten years ago, so this expression of Hold On is what I cling to.  However, I have had the opportunity to see the lead singer, Katie Herzig, in concert several times and love following her solo career as well.  In fact, at one of her concerts a couple years ago I had the chance to speak with her and tell her how much I love this song.  She told me how much she used to love performing it, which made my heart so happy.
Oh, this song.  I don’t know how to speak about it in a way that justifies the power and beauty it possesses.  It reaches into the depths of my soul and breathes it out.  It exposes the complexity of the fear and hope and love that I feel.  It makes me feel calm and passionate at the same time.  It is meant to be a part of my world and has surfaced once again as an important part to the start of my year.  I LOVE this song.   And that is why I want to share it.
Happy New Year!