the makeup cleanse

makeup overflowHaving a hard time digging out your favorite lip gloss every morning?  Mascara getting clumpy?   If cosmetics are starting to feel more like clutter, cleaning out the makeup bag can be an easy way to simplify and treat your skin well.
Makeup doesn’t last forever and over time it can harbor bacteria which causes skin irritation and breakouts as well as other infections such as conjunctivitis (pinkeye).  So, how do you know when makeup should be tossed?  If it starts to smell funny, definitely toss it.  If the consistency or color starts to change or you notice skin irritation when it is applied, its probably time to ditch it as well.  Otherwise, here is a general timeline for the healthy life of most products:

Water-based: 12 months  Oil-based: 18 months
Concealer: 12-18 months
Powder/Blush: 1-3 years
Mascara: 3-6 months
Liquid/Cream Eyeliner or Shadows: 6-12 months
Eyeshadow: 1-3 years
Eye/Lip Pencils: 1-3 years
Lisptick/Lip Gloss: 1-2 years
Nail Polish: 1-5 years

A few extra tips:
Treat Your Makeup Well. 
There are several things you can you can do to extend the life of your makeup.  First of all, store it in a cool and dry location.  That makeup sitting in the sunny car or open on the bathroom counter while you shower is going to go bad more quickly than the makeup in a fun bag on your dresser.  In addition to storage location, sharpen lip and eye pencils regularly and try not to pump mascara too much Both of these tricks, along with the next tip, will fight bacteria. 

DSCN9992 (5)-001Wash Your Brushes!  This is one of the most important things you can do for your makeup and your face.  If you have never washed your makeup brushes, prepare to be disgusted.  You can purchase a brush cleaner if you like or just use a mild soap of some sort.  I prefer to use a natural shampoo because, to me, brushes are more like hair.  Wash your brushes in the bathroom sink with water and soap and then lay them out to air dry.  This should be done often.  I try to do it every month.  If you use other applicators, such as sponges, be sure to wash or replace those often as well.

Keep Organized.  If you keep your makeup organized and accessible, you will save money, time and sanity.  Store makeup you use on an everyday basis in a handy location and in a way that makes it easy to move around.  You could use a fun makeup bag or colorful containers such as bowls or baskets.  Any excess can be stored in a makeup bag, bin or mini drawers and kept in a drawer or closet so that it is not in the way when you don’t need it. 

Have Fun With It!  Learn some new makeup tips.  Treat yourself to a new color or makeup bag. Have a spa day and use that nail polish.  Or go on a girls night out with that glitter blush you’ve been ignoring! 🙂
Enjoy your makeup cleanse!

Posted on April 9, 2013, in beauty, organize, products, refresh, simplify. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Must Have Boxes

    Great tips! It’s so important to keep your brushes clean and throw out expired products.

    – KW

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