Monthly Archives: March 2015

spice rack makeover

As I pursue my desire to breathe more fully this year, one of the things I have done is declutter and simplify the spaces around me.
After making my way through the spaces I live and work, I found that one place making me feel, well, claustrophobic, was the shelf of spices in the kitchen.  Something had to be done!

spice rack makeover

The first step was to organize what i already had. 
A handful of the spices in the cupboard were new and used often, but many of them had been around for years or were rarely being used.  I tossed out what was expired and offered up duplicates or things I don’t use often to friends.

Next, a new collection of spices was built.
I made a list of what I use most and consulted some friends and websites to round out the list.  I ended with 20 seasonings, as follows:
alpine touch (Montanas special spice)

onion powder
chili powder
curry powder
bay leaves
fennel seed

Obviously, this was catered toward my preferences, but I did find it nice to encounter lists like this along the way.
The new spices that were needed were purchased in the bulk spice section, which both allowed the correct amount to be purchased for the size of the jars and was much cheaper than buying them in containers.

Then came the actual makeover of the spice rack. 
I had been carrying around an old spice rack for years, but didn’t really like the appearance or selection of spices, so it was the perfect candidate for a makeover.
old rack
The spice jars were cleaned and old labels peeled off.
old labels

Acrylic craft paint was used to give the rack the perfect new color and finish.

Simple letter stickers were used to label the lids of the jars
new labels

Finally the jars were filled, the rack was filled, a new space was made on the counter for the rack and, voila, makeover complete!
finished spice rack

Thanks to this spice rack makeover, I can cook without the claustrophobia.  🙂