Monthly Archives: March 2012

embracing moxie

Each morning, eyes open and bodies rise as minds and hearts are flooded with thoughts, ideas and emotions.  Choices are made.  People are seen.  Words are spoken.  Work is done.  And then the sun sets and bodies rest once again.
This cycle has the potential to be monotonous, overwhelming and draining, but within those thoughts, choices, words and actions, we have power.  We are the only people in our lives with the power to choose how we live.  Life, as we all know, is not always easy.  Sometimes it hurts…a lot.  Sometimes it blindsides us.  And sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  But life also happens to be a gift.  Sometimes we laugh so hard we cry.  Sometimes we are consumed with passion.  And sometimes we experience true peace and freedom.
My desire is to use this power we have .  Each morning when my eyes open, I want to remember that life is a gift.  I want to start my day with this energy, wisdom and courage.  I want to wake up with moxie. 
So, say I wake up and life seems bright.  Now what?  I still have to get out of bed and face the day…
Over time, I have realized that there are specific areas of my life that I care about so much that I avoid them.  Wait, what?!?  Yep, it’s true.  See, if I avoid giving 100% to my goals and passions, I will avoid failing because I always know in the back of my mind that I could be giving/thinking/loving/doing more.   I don’t expect that to make sense to everyone (because its pretty backwards and goes deeper than I could ever explain), but in my world it is something that is true. 
For me, right now those areas of my life are health, art and balance.

Health.  I consider myself a fairly healthy person, but I have also had plenty of health goals that I never followed through with.  Learn more about nutrition.  Eliminate chemical laden cosmetics.  Lose 10 pounds.  Take a dance class again.  Get more sleep.  See a counselor.  Cook at home more often.  The list goes on and on.  I want to give my body and my mind the respect it deserves.
Art.  I am an artist.  I kinda think we all are, but that’s a whole other topic.  Art is something that I believe has the power to create positive change in this world and there is little that I feel more passionately about.  However, for the amount of time I spend thinking about it and feeling oodles of passion, I sure don’t do much about it.  I procrastinate project after idea after inspiration that I have and then feel frustrated that I have done so.  I need to give art the time and focus that I desire to give it.
Balance.  I have not been super skilled at finding balance in my life.  Sometimes I am overly focused on money(or the lack of) and I forget about my health.  Sometimes I get so caught up in my little world that I neglect others.  At other times I simply don’t set aside enough time for me. And just when I think I have found some sort of balance, I remember that I haven’t showered for two days or folded my laundry.  I don’t expect to find some magical equilibrium that I will happily exist in for the rest of my life, but I know that I can find more balance.

The heart behind this blog is to pursue these areas of my life, share it (good accountability) and encourage others to do the same.  For me, waking up with moxie means, well…everything that I will share on this blog.
My morning moxie will make my life healthier and happier and filled with more creativity, balance, inspiration and love.

What does waking up with moxie mean to you???


A series of events, experiences and feelings over the past few months have prompted me to start this new blog, but seeing this finally pushed me over the edge into action.  More can be read about where this blog came from and what it means to me, but these simple words stand alone as a huge inspiration to me today as to what I want to be…

Source: found on pinterest via sunshineandpearls