Monthly Archives: February 2013

hearty fruit kabobs

 How fabulous are these?!?

heart kabobs
I knew I had to make these the first time I saw the idea.  Valentines dinner gave me the perfect excuse, though they would obviously be lovely any day. 🙂
This was super simple and a lot of fun.  It did take a tiny bit of a time commitment to cut the fruit and assemble, but it was worth it.

DSCN0161 (2)What’s Needed:
Fruit.  Be creative!  (I used watermelon, kiwi, cantaloupe, pineapple, strawberries and blueberries)
Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter
Kabob Sticks (or whatever they are called…they have them at most grocery stores)

I bought halves of the pineapple and melons and cut slices of desired thickness to cut the hearts.  The kiwi and strawberries were easy to quickly slice and heart up.  One thing I would say is to make sure the hearts are thick enough so that they stay intact on the stick.  I made mine about half an inch thick.
I then put one of each fruit on each stick with blueberries in between.  A lot of fun could be had with less fruit or more fruit or fun color arrangements!
I thought about making a yogurt dip with a little bit of cinnamon for these, but just kinda forgot to…

I went for the breakfast for dinner thing with these and served with eggs, bacon and heart-shaped pancakes, of course!


This beautiful  idea was inspired by mint in the middle

the heart…

Totally in love with this collage I just created with my photos.  I am going to print this onto canvas without the text and paint my own handwriting on it…one of my favorite quotes ever!

the heart...

a little self-love…box

self-love boxComing into this new year, I spent several weeks defining goals, dreams and cravings and mapping out a road to success in achieving them (much thanks to my wonderful friend and founder of Stratejoy and her program, The Holiday Council…check it out!)  There is sooooo much awesomeness I could share about all of this, but one of the most important moments of clarity I gained from the experience was this:

I need to be LOVING MYSELF.

This might seem an obvious thing to do as a human, but somewhere along my journey, I completely missed that turn.  Now don’t misinterpret my feelings.  I don’t dislike myself.  In fact, I am a positive person with what I consider a fairly strong self-awareness and sincerity and I take pride in my strengths and accomplishments.  However, I have struggled to truly focus on myself in a way that nurtures my soul and instead focus on others with unbalanced abundance or walk straight into selfishness in an unhealthy way and then wonder why I still feel unfulfilled and even guilty.  My heart has been awakened to the reality that there is a distinction between selfishness and self-love and that I should be pursuing healthy self-love.
And so, I made loving myself one of my main goals for this year.  Figuring out how to do this took some time and brainstorming and is still developing, but one tool that I have created is what I call my self-love box.
I started by making a list of ways that I could love myself.  Then, I cut out a bunch of little hearts and wrote the items from my list on them.
Some of the thinself-love heartsgs from my list?

buy yourself a special t
reach out to an encouraging person
get dressed up
take a nap
do something that inspires you
forgive yourself
dream, plan and go on a personal retreat
stop. breathe deep.
write yourself a love note
get a massage
be grateful.  make a list of things you are thankful for.

Next, I found an inexpensive heart shaped box at a craft store and plastered it with some meaningful and inspiring pictures.  The little self-love list hearts went inside and I am challenging myself to use the box several times a month.
Creating this simple little box and using it has been a rewarding and wonderful experience thus far and I recommend doing something like this to absolutely anyone.  Whether you create a box or a list or not, though, please remember to LOVE YOURSELF!  You are worth it!