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hold on

I came to discover this song and the band while in college in Colorado.  Sadly, Newcomers Home disbanded almost ten years ago, so this expression of Hold On is what I cling to.  However, I have had the opportunity to see the lead singer, Katie Herzig, in concert several times and love following her solo career as well.  In fact, at one of her concerts a couple years ago I had the chance to speak with her and tell her how much I love this song.  She told me how much she used to love performing it, which made my heart so happy.
Oh, this song.  I don’t know how to speak about it in a way that justifies the power and beauty it possesses.  It reaches into the depths of my soul and breathes it out.  It exposes the complexity of the fear and hope and love that I feel.  It makes me feel calm and passionate at the same time.  It is meant to be a part of my world and has surfaced once again as an important part to the start of my year.  I LOVE this song.   And that is why I want to share it.
Happy New Year!

tiny beautiful things

“You will learn a lot about yourself if you stretch in the direction of goodness, of bigness, of kindness, of forgiveness, of emotional bravery. Be a warrior for love.”
―Cheryl Strayed, Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar

I have not read Wild (yet). I have a note in my journal from January that says, “read Wild“. There is even a copy sitting in the house.  I will read it.  But the first book I ever read by Cheryl Strayed will always be tiny beautiful things.

On the surface, this book is simply a collection of advice column letters and answers.  But, if your heart is open, it is so much more than that.

This is the sort of stuff that makes my heart want.  It is people.  It is stories.  It is real.  It is all three combined.  And then those real people are brave enough to reach out by writing in to an advice column.  In return, this beautiful writer, then known only as “Sugar”, reaches back with such raw emotion, both delicate and passionate, woven into words that address real life in a way that made me want to laugh and scream and cry all at once.

Read it if you are a human that lives in the real world and wants to embrace real life.